
Youth Awards

Kern Branch MTAC Youth Awards are for students in grades K-12. The awards are based on the student’s musical activities both in MTAC events and outside musical events. Students need to track all of their musical activities, both those within MTAC and through their school or community, from April 1 through March 31. Details are listed on the scholarship application.

Vaughn Malquist Memorial Scholarship

Vaughn Malquist Memorial Scholarship is a piano scholarship awarded to a student of an MTAC teacher. The student must be in grades 9-12. The award amount is determined annually. The award is based on points and the student’s musical goals. Students need to track all of their musical activities, both those within MTAC and through their school or community, from April 1 through March 31.  The recipient will perform at the Awards Recital in May.

Helen Rummelsburg Scholarship 

The Helen Rummelsburg Scholarship is a vocal or instrumental scholarship for students in grades 9 – 12.  The award of approximately $250.00 (exact amount determined annually) is given based on an audition and completed application.  The recipient will perform at the Awards Recital in May.

Carol Rodgers Memorial Scholarship 

Carol Rodgers Memorial Scholarship is a piano scholarship awarded to a student in 11th or 12th grade and who is a resident of Kern County. The award amount is determined annually and is given based on an audition and completed application. The recipient will perform at the Awards Recital in May.

Assistance Fund

Kern Branch MTAC Assistance Fund is available for students with unexpected financial need (loss of job, serious injury/ illness, high medical bills, many siblings required to pay fees, etc.). The teacher of the student may request assistance for lessons for an immediate short-term need or for other piano related expenses (books, fees, etc.). Requests for this fund can be made at any time throughout the year.